Saturday, July 7, 2007

Strange Days

Quick post, 3 sketches.

Alright Icarus is coming along i have it sketched out. I'll show everything at end. I received my new pen, a Tradio, awesome pen. It was expensive from the stuff i am used to using from value packs and everything but it worth it. The line waits are awesome and i can do a whole lot more than with a regular pen.

So today i was telling a friend that i caught a lot of people taking a glimpse at what i was sketching on the way home. Maybe a lot of people do know the Watchmen, specifically the character Rorshach. I think i am going to read this book again, yes it was that awesome. If you haven't read it you definitely should, even if you don't like comics its a really good story.

And not many people were caught looking at me sketch the escapist, the crowd on the train died down.

To the Sketches!!!
IcarusRorshachThe EscapistThat post was longer than i thought it would be...

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